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GMA meets with White House to discuss infrastructure a second time

March 20th, 2018 / By: / GMA News, Industry News

On Tuesday, March 15, 2018, the Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) met with White House senior staff to discuss President Donald J. Trump’s “Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America.” The leaders of GMA’s executive council emphasized the innovative and transformative benefits of geosynthetic products and the role geosynthetics can play in helping the administration achieve the president’s goals of reducing project timelines, lowering overall costs and increasing the life span of our nation’s infrastructure. The meeting was a follow up to preliminary meetings GMA officers had with Vice President Mike Pence’s office and the White House Council on Environmental Quality on September 18, 2017.

GMA outside the West Wing (l to r): Jonathan Curry, GMA; Linden Wicklund, IFAI; Fred Chuck, HUESKER and GMA 1st vice chair; Angela Acompora, Whitmer & Worrall; Craig Bell, Strata Systems Inc.; Scott Edgecombe, Tensar; Keith Gardner, Dalco and GMA chair; Keith Musukanis, Berry Plastics; Doug Brown, Tensar and GMA 2nd vice chair; Brian Sparks, Thrace LINQ; Mike Gorey, Propex

The president’s infrastructure plan has challenged Congress to fund infrastructure in new ways and close the funding gaps created by limited resources at the federal and state levels. The use of geosynthetic products speeds up project delivery, reduces maintenance costs, decreases life-cycle costs for new projects and protects the environment, qualities which complement the administration’s goals. It is time for our industry to band together to increase awareness of these benefits within all levels of government.

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